McDonald's India encourages people to Vote!

McDonald's India believes that each and every vote counts and in the power of people and that every individual plays an important role in the shaping of a country. Hence they are taking a going all out to encourage people in general especially their customers to Vote in the upcoming Municipal Elections.

Even Nay Sayers and Skeptics have a way to show their objection to the candidates standing for election as well as to block their votes from being misused. All they have to do is follow the proper procedure such as getting their finger inked, ensure that the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) is on, and check all the options available on the machine. In case a voter does not wish to vote for any of the candidates, he should - without pressing any button on the EVM - then inform the Presiding Officer of the same. The correct procedure is that the official there has to simply mark that the voter doesn't wish to vote next to his name on the attendance sheet and the vote will be registered as a No Vote thus they can ensure that you have done your bit towards your country.

It is because of its belief in doing one's civic duty, McDonald's India have also sent out a mandate to all of its restaurants across Mumbai and Pune stating that all McDonald's Family Restaurants across Mumbai and Pune will be closed until 1pm to ensured that each and every employee goes out and votes. As a socially responsible company, McDonald's India has launched a promotional campaign to ensure that its customers as well take part in this year's Municipal Elections.

In a bid to encourage its customers to vote and to show its continuous support in the smooth running of our nation, McDonald's India is launching its cast your Vote Get a Coke Float promotional campaign in Mumbai. This promotion is especially designed to encourage all its customers to vote. All one has to do on election day is cast your vote at your location polling booth and after that walk into a McDonald's Family Restaurant including "Drive-thrus", located anywhere in Mumbai. All you need to do is buy any McDonald's Meal, show your Election Identity Card and the ink mark on the left hand forefinger as proof that you have voted and you get a Coke Float Free.

Commenting on this initiative Rameet Arora, Sr. Director Marketing, McDonald's India (West & South) said, "It is very easy to take a backseat and say that the country is not progressing and that one person can't make a change. We at McDonald's believe very strongly that it is each and every individual's responsibility, right and duty to ensure that the country takes a turn for the better. The way to ensure this is by casting your vote and to encourage this we have come up with this initiative."

"We will also be spreading the communication through radio and our website and social pages and urge more and more people to act responsibily and cast their vote." added Mr. Arora.

Come this Election Day, February 16th 2012, we urge you to step into a polling booth, Cast your Vote and enjoy a free Coke Float as token of appreciation from McDonald's.


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