MTV brings back Iconic property; Plans a power-pack lineup ahead

After redefining itself with an edgy philosophy ' "STAY RAW' and enjoying the much deserved success, MTV - India's leading youth brand is now poised to integrate all its muscle to build engaging content starting April. This month's line-up includes ' A home grown concept "Docomo present MTV CRUNCH, live on', India's Biggest Online Social Experiment, daily 24hr reality show, scheduled to hit us on April 18.

A format which goes beyond television and that comes alive across 3 screens ' mobile, the laptop screen and of course your television screen for the first time ever! Next, a modern day conversation has already made its way into your homes with the launch of "Gorbatschow MTV True Life ' Real People, Real Stories' ' a show with a potential to create a new reality genre ' "A docu reality show' that leaves the youth demystified! And¦the curtains won't come down this summer without the announcement of "Virgin Mobiles Presents MTV Age of Sinnocence' - The Youth Marketing Forum, which will be hosted in Mumbai on April 29. The forum is part of the strategy to revive MTV's iconic properties ' both on ground and on air! This includes the much loved show, "MTV GRIND' ' that unveils in a brand new avatar - ready to roll on April 30.

Announcing the line-up, Aditya Swamy, Channel Head, MTV India, shares "Our intent has been to create genre busting content that rests seamlessly across screens. The results over the past few months have been encouraging with our brand strength growing, our viewership hitting unprecedented highs and our social media presence becoming the biggest in the country. With this base, the months ahead are looking very exciting"


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